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Animals, Disability, and the End of Capitalism: Voices from the Eco-ability Movement

Published Date: August 16, 2018

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Animals, Disability, and the End of Capitalism: Voices from the Eco-ability Movement is an edited collection of essays from the leaders in the field of eco-ability. Animals, Disability, and the End of Capitalism is rooted in critical pedagogy, inclusive education, and environmental education, and the efforts of diverse disability activists working to weave together the complex diversity and vastly overlooked interconnections among nature, ability, and animals. Eco-ability challenges social constructions, binaries, domination, and normalcy. Animals, Disability, and the End of Capitalism challenges the concept of disability, animal, and nature in relation to human and man. Eco-ability stresses the interdependent relationship among everything and how the effect of one action such as the extinction of a species in Africa can affect the ecosystem in Northern California. Animals, Disability, and the End of Capitalism is timely and offers important critical insight from within the growing movement and the current academic climate for such scholarship. Animals, Disability, and the End of Capitalism shares insights and examples of radical experiences, pedagogical projects, and perspectives shaped by Critical Animal Studies, Critical Environmental Studies, and Critical Disability Studies. Contributing authors include Sarah R. Adams, Marissa Anderson, Judy K.C. Bentley, Mary Fantaske, Ava HaberkornHalm, Hannah Monroe, Nicole Pallotta, Daniel Salomon, and Meneka Thirukkumaran.



Anthony J. Nocella II, Ph.D. is a professor and intersectional scholar-community organizer, has published more than fifty scholarly articles or book chapters. He is the editor of Peace Studies Journal, Senior Fellow with the Dispute Resolution Institute at Hamline Law School, and co-founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies. He has published more than twenty books, most recently including Policing the Campus: Academic Repression, Surveillance, and the Occupy Movement. His areas of interest include transformative justice, disability studies, environmental justice, and peace, conflict, and justice studies. His website is

Amber E. George, Ph.D. is a scholar-activist who teaches philosophy at Misericordia University. She has taught undergraduate courses in social philosophy and presented her research at many colleges and universities. She has also acquired real-life experience as an ally, counselor, and community educator in social justice administration. Dr. George is a member of the Eco-ability Collective and an Executive Board Member of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies (ICAS). She is also the editor of Journal of Critical Animal Studies. She is working on writing many books and book chapters about non/human animal liberation, disability studies, and critical theory. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her growing family, watching television, and gardening.

John Lupinacci, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at Washington State University. He teaches in the Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education (CSSTE) program using an approach that advocates for the development of scholar-activist educators. His experiences teaching as a high school teacher, an outdoor environmental educator, and a community activist all contribute to examining the relationships between schools and the reproduction of the cultural roots of social suffering and environmental degradation.




“This book adds to the growing literature on eco-ability, adding a number of new voices to the conversation. Drawing on diverse theoretical perspectives and firsthand experience, the authors in this collection make clear the connections between ableism and speciesism.” (Dr. Constance Russell, Professor, Lakehead University)

“This important contribution to political resistance in the era of Trump calls for nothing short of total liberation. As the Earth shrieks in its descent into oblivion, and the vast majority of its inhabitants prepare themselves for the slaughter bench of history, the activists in this volume chart a different course, one that needs our attention now, more than at any previous time….it’s a book that demands to be read.” (Dr. Peter McLaren, author of Pedagogy of Insurrection)

“Animal, Disability, and Earth Liberation Activists for Total Liberation is a key book to move the Earth and Animal Liberation movements to be more inclusive and complex with their goals and analysis. This rich read offers any social justice activist a holistic understanding of intersectionality.” (Chris Mendoza, Member, Durango Animal Liberation)

“Having spent many years campaigning with my wife Louise, who is a wheelchair user, for both animal liberation and the rights of people with disabilities, I am delighted to see this book.” (Ronnie Lee, Founder of the Animal Liberation Front)

“Highly original in both content and ambition Animal, Disability, and Earth Liberation Activists for Total Liberation makes a tremendously powerful and timely contribution to the literature. Accessible and inspiring, throughout this book deserves to be read – and re-read – widely. It should certainly be embraced by critical scholars and activists alike but, in the final analysis, this is a book that speaks to everyone who desires a better world, based on freedom and justice for each and all.” (Dr. Richard J. White, Reader in Human Geography, Sheffield Hallam University, UK)

“The eco-ability movement and this book in particular give both practical (and theoretical) insight in that Total Liberation is much more than mere intersectionality: Ableism (towards humans) and speciesism don’t intersect at all, but still the exchange between both perspectives, the learning from each other and the co-operation and combination of both struggles and strugglers make a lot of sense and are highly beneficial, if not an absolute necessity to true liberatory success of any of these struggles.” (Jörg Hartmann, Regional Representative, Institute for Critical Animal Studies, Europe)


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