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Earth, Animal, and Disability Liberation: The Rise of the Eco-Ability Movement

Published Date: October 1, 2012

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This provocative and groundbreaking book is the first of its kind to propose the concept of Eco-ability: the intersectionality of the ecological world, persons with disabilities, and nonhuman animals. Rooted in disability studies and rights, environmentalism, and animal advocacy, this book calls for a social justice theory and movement that dismantles constructed “normalcy,” ableism, speciesism, and ecological destruction while promoting mutual interdependence, collaboration, respect for difference, and inclusivity of our world. Eco-ability provides a positive, liberating, and empowering philosophy for educators and activists alike.


Earth, Animal, and Disability Liberation is one of the most liberating books of our time, one that truly levels the playing field, by examining with unflinching honesty and clarity the ideas of normalcy and speciesism that continue to justify the enslavement and torture of millions.”

Corey Lewis, Professor of English, Humboldt State University


“This ground-breaking book offers its fortunate readers a unique and crucial set of lenses into the worlds of ecological activism, disability rights, and anti-imperialist struggles. Importantly, these lenses are not limited to the visual field. The contributors and editors assert effectively that these worlds are not actually disparate in the first place, and that any attempts to separate them from each other results in the risk of grave danger, if not peril. The volume goes well beyond sharing helpful conversations about interdependence and intersectionality with regard to fighting oppression and striving for social justice; it demonstrates that advocacy for the survival of our planet and all of ‘its’ species is a mutually imbricating series of committed efforts—and labors of love. The continuance of vitality and diversity requires an understanding of this book’s numerous, life-affirming linkages.”

Dr. Diane R. Wiener, Director of the Syracuse University Disability Cultural Center


Earth, Animal, and Disability Liberation: The Rise of the Eco-Ability Movement is a trenchant analysis of normalcy, ableism, and civilization in the manner of eco-feminism, critical studies of eco-racism, and eco-colonialism. For anyone looking for an intelligent and coherent discussion of the emerging field of study, this book will be an exciting, and surprising, experience.”

Dr. Susan Thomas, Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Political Science, Hollins University, Virginia


“This ambitious and important book should be read, studied, debated, and referenced for years to come. The idea of Eco-ability is a path-breaking and controversial concept that encourages a critical engagement with ecology, technology, and the myriad borders that contain and define so many of us within and across species. This book represents a clarion call for new ways of imagining and practicing mutually respectful relationships with all forms of life.”

David Naguib Pellow, Don Martindale Professor of Sociology, University of Minnesota, and co-author of The Slums of Aspen: Immigrants vs. the Environment in America’s Eden


“Provocative and multi-disciplinary, Earth, Animal, and Disability Liberation is necessary justice reading for organizers and educators. Centering an intersectional analysis, this project brings us closer to understanding new relationships between disability and animal rights. Contributions push readers to think differently about ‘normal,’ the body, and most centrally, provide readers with radical visions for change.”

Erica R. Meiners, Professor of Education and Gender and Women’s Studies at Northeastern Illinois University, and author of Flaunt It! Queers Organizing for Public Education and Justice and Right to Be Hostile: Schools, Prisons, and the Making of Public Enemies


“Nocella, Bentley, and Duncan finally bring three of the largest marginalized communities in the world to the center and stress their value philosophically, holistically, and socially. This volume is sure to break new ground in the field of critical animal studies, environmental education, and disability studies. Truly one of the most radical cutting-edge social justice books to come out in recent years!”

Dr. Renee L. Wonser, Center for Global Environmental Education, Hamline University





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