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Fighting Academic Repression and Neoliberal Education: Resistance, Reclaiming, Organizing, and Black Lives Matter in Education

Published Date: November 2, 2016

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Fighting Academic Repression and Neoliberal Education: Resistance, Reclaiming, Organizing, and Black Lives Matter in Education

  • Series: Radical Animal Studies and Total Liberation (Book 3)
  • Hardcover
  • Publisher: Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers; New edition edition (November 14, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1433133148
  • ISBN-13: 978-1433133145
  • Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds


Fighting Academic Repression and Neoliberal Educationis a cutting‐edge investigation of the alarming state of education today. This practical how‐to handbook gives readers tactics and strategies to organize and challenge forces that threaten liberatory critical education. Drawn from scholars and activists from across the world, the fifteen chapters guide readers through a strategic method of understanding the academic industrial complex and corporate education in the twenty‐first century. Education is being hijacked by banks and corporations that are tearing apart the foundational fabric of academic freedom, resulting in mass standardized education and debt for all students and furthering racial inequity. This is a must‐read for anyone interested in democracy, education, social justice, critical pedagogy, and Black Lives Matter.


“Anthony J. Nocella and Erik Juergensmeyer expose the major fault lines in the current debates and conflicts in education as they highlight the spaces of critical resistance with clarity and courage, and illuminate the way forward for social justice advocates and activists. “Fighting Academic Repression and Neoliberal Education” is an essential weapon in the fight for an education of meaning and purpose—learning and teaching constructed on the twin pillars of enlightenment and liberation”

—Bill Ayers, Author of Public Enemy: Confessions of an American Dissident

“Fighting Academic Repression and Neoliberal Education strips away the illusion that academic sites are places of democratic deliberation in the service of the public good. Too often they are calcified places of learned intimidation and truncated spaces of sophisticated brutality in the service of the cognitive elite in bed with monster corporations. Clearly it is time to take back the neoliberal university from the academic hucksters and hustlers who profit from the reproduction of the dependent hierarchies of race, class, gender and sexuality. Fighting Academic Repression and Neoliberal Education is a crucial actor in the fight for social justice on campuses and beyond.”

—Peter McLaren, Distinguished Professor in Critical Studies, Chapman University; Author of Pedagogy of Insurrection

Ward Churchill

Emma Pérez


Introduction – A Tactical Toolbox for Smashing Academic Repression
Anthony J. Nocella II and Erik Juergensmeyer


1. Striking Out! Challenging Academic Repression in the Neoliberal University through Alternative Forms of Organizing: Some Lessons from the UK
Nick Clare, Gregory White, and Richard J White

2. Academic Resistance: Landscape of Hope and Despair
Mary Heath and Peter Burdon

3. Parasites, Sycophants, and Rebels: Resisting Threats to Faculty Governance
Mark Seis


4. On Identity Politics, Resistance, and the Evacuation of Human Emancipation
Camila Bassi

5. Cutting Class: On Schoolwork, Entropy and Everyday Resistance in Higher Education
Conor Cash and Geoff Boyce

6. Owning Curriculum: Megafoundations, the State, and Writing Programs
Erik Juergensmeyer and Sue Doe


7. Bureaucratic Stifling of Student and Faculty Reclaiming College and University Campuses
Laura L. Finley

8. Reclaiming Campus as an Event Site: A Comparative Discussion of Student Resistance Tactics
Ryan W. Thomson

9. Interrupt, Inspire, and Expose: Anarchist Pedagogy against Academic Repression
Johnny Lupinacci


10. One of the Best Contracts in the Nation?: How Part-time Faculty Organized for a Collective Bargaining Agreement
Diana Vallera

11. Organizing Adjuncts and Citizenship within the Academy
Sean Donaghue-Johnston and Tanya Loughead

12. On Strike in the Ivory Tower: Academic Repression of Labor Organizing
Emil Marmol Mary Jean Hande and Raluca Bejan


13. Racial Harassment in the ‘Post-Racial’ Era: A Case of Discipline and Resistance in the Black Female Body
Shannon Gibney

14. On Academic Repression, Blackness, and Storytelling as Resistance
Kelly Limes-Taylor Henderson

15. Black Student Unions and Identity: Navigating Oppression in Higher Education
Z. B. Hurst

Fort Lewis College Sociology Collective


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