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Love and Liberation: An Animal Liberation Front Story

Published Date: October 1, 2012

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Gabrielle and Andre are an everyday couple working up the corporate ladder in Houston, Texas. With a brand new condo, plans for marriage and successful careers, their lives are set – or so they think. One night Gabrielle inadvertently gets a glimpse into the underground world of animal liberationists. Unsure what to make of it, she begins an investigation which leads to some shocking realizations. Soon the couple is delving deeper into a covert movement of radical animal liberationists labeled by the FBI as a top domestic threat. Armed with nonviolent tactics and love in their heart, the couple educates and trains to free those who are caged. With captivating black and white illustrations, this is an action-packed, fun and informative read.


You can see how it happens: the oblivious couple has their comfortable lives interrupted by a revelation that slowly makes it impossible for them to carry on as before. What seems a quick, easy read turns out to also be a true story of evolution that leaves the reader asking, “How shall I change my life?”

– Ingrid Newkirk, founder PETA, and author of Free the Animals: The Untold Story of the Animal Liberation Front in America


You could spend days researching animal rights, or you could read Colling and Nocella’s Love and Liberation and get an entertaining crash course that deftly illustrates the basic ideology of animal liberation and drops tantalizing breadcrumbs for the reader to follow into deeper study.

– Denis Henry Hennelly, Director, Writer, and Editor of Bold Native


“Love and Liberation” confronts us with a question many ask ourselves: ask nicely for exploiters to deliver animals’ freedom, or start taking it? Attend another protest, or start breaking down doors? This book explores one couple’s answer to these questions. With knowledge comes responsibility. And here two people learn that the knowledge of billions of animals imprisoned brings the responsibility to do whatever it takes to free them.

– Peter Young, former Animal Liberation Front political prisoner

What I like about Love and Liberation is its sensitivity to an intersectional vision. It must be the best AR fiction read since Rage and Reason

– Dr. Richard Twine, author of Animals as Biotechnology: Ethics, Sustainability and Critical Animal Studies

Intriguing. Exciting. Heart-wrenching and exposing, Love and Liberation takes you on a wondrous journey of self discovery, forcing you to delve into your own conscious behavior begging answers to questions you might have never even contemplated. This is a must read!

– Shannon Keith, Director of Behind the Mask: The Story Of The People Who Risk Everything To Save Animals


“Love and Liberation” is a gripping tale of courage and compassion; it at once entertains and educates, inspires and informs. This short story manages to address a multitude of issues, all within a powerfully written narrative.

– Dr. Melanie Joy, author of Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows


In crafting the beautiful Love and Liberation: An Animal Liberation Front Story authors Sarat Colling and Anthony Nocella have provided a transformative understanding of our relationship with other animal species. The careful planning of the characters match the careful craft of the authors; each bringing to light the spirit of the movement and illustrating the drive and conviction of those who liberate and in turn liberate themselves.

– Dylan Powell, Vegan Police Radio


A touching and thought-provoking story that puts a new spin on the question of what love is and what role it should play in our life. We all know that love for one another brings two people together, but what about compassion for animals and a desire for justice? Crime, passion, sorrow, pleasure, pain and love blend together in unforeseen ways as two intelligent and sensitive individuals try to navigate a world that is not nearly as simple as it seems.

– Nick Cooney, author of Change of Heart: What Psychology Can Teach Us About Spreading Social Change


Captivatingly written, Love and Liberation is a true to life and heartfelt story about people deciding to fight for something meaningful in this cruel and oppressive world… something bigger than themselves in a society that rewards self-interest and hypocritically represses freedom struggle. Outlining some intelligent guerrilla strategies, this could be the story of any potential animal liberationist, any budding Earth liberationist, anyone looking to take the struggle for freedom underground.

– Leslie James Pickering, author of Mad Bomber Melville and was a founder and spokesperson for the North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office


“Love and Liberation” is a story of dedication and struggle born from political transformation: Do we allow the everyday cruelty of the world to continue right before our eyes, or do we intervene and reroute the world toward a new ethic of inter-species respect and appreciation? Speaking to issues of justice, humanity, environmentalism, capitalism, greed, corruption, love, and adventure, this provocative read is a must for all ages and political persuasions!

– Dr. Jason Del Gandio, author Rhetoric for Radicals: A Handbook for 21st Century Activists


This is an excellent, and thought-provoking story that – as all beautiful people know – reaffirms how the true revolutionary is guided by love.

– Dr. Richard White, Editor of Journal for Critical Animal Studies


Love and Liberation: An Animal Liberation Front Story is a solid primer for those seeking out the reasons why so many take selflessly action for animals, the challenges faced, and the sacrifices made. I recommend it for anyone wanting an introduction to the interlinkages of oppression within and across the species boundary, rooted in the pervasive ideology of capitalism.

– Dr. Colin Salter, professor, Centre for Peace Studies, McMaster University



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