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Contemporary Anarchist Criminology: Against Authoritarianism and Punishment

Published Date: September 2, 2018

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Edited by Anthony J. Nocella II, Mark Seis, and Jeff Shantz

Contemporary Anarchist Criminology: Against Authoritarianism and Punishment edited by Anthony J. Nocella II, Mark Seis, and Jeff Shantz is the first book on anarchist criminology to hit the shelves. Contemporary Anarchist Criminology offers a cutting-edge critical assessment of criminology by creating provocative discussions regarding business as usual in the criminal justice system. This exciting interdisciplinary book explores a diversity of topics that range from the construction of criminal law, to Lombroso, to deviant behavior, to prison abolition, to transformative justice, to restorative justice, to environmental justice, and to the prison industrial complex. Contemporary Anarchist Criminology is a must read book for anyone looking for a serious critique of the criminal justice system, specifically for those in sociology, political science, criminology, peace and conflict studies, and criminal justice. Contemporary Anarchist Criminology is not for the timid, but for those wanting to challenge and dismantle the current forms of domination, oppression and injustice that frame and define the current system of justice.



“A straightforward short important text to beginning the movement for anarchist criminology. This text does not strive to discuss every issue that could be possibly discussed, but rather says here is the first book on the topic; now everyone go out and write and organize.”―Green Theory and Praxis Journal

“This book is a much-needed defense of the work we do nationally in ending the incarceration of all youth and promoting transformative justice.”―Madelynne Kinoshita, Save the Kids

“We live in increasingly illiberal times. According to the CIVICUS ‘State of Civil Society Report’ for 2017, only 3% of the world’s people live in nation-states where civic space is fully open. There is a need to look for alternative intellectual and institutional models that will increase the space for broader public engagement, allowing for the attainment of greater social justice. Contemporary Anarchist Criminology contributes significantly to this search, introducing readers to a range of voices, ideas, and arguments seldom, many of them with a long lineage, and yet seldom heard within the mainstream of conventional wisdom regarding our criminal justice system. The introductory chapter by the editors, plus the nine chapters by various contributors, including present-day prisoners, offer a compelling critique of current ideologies, policies, and practices, while furnishing humane and doable paths for action.”―A. Peter Castro, Associate Professor of Anthropology & Robert D. McClure Professor of Teaching Excellence, Maxwell School for Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University

Contemporary Anarchist Criminology is a brilliant, insightful and uncompromising collection, which both empowers and inspires the reader in equal measure. First, by provoking an urgently-needed critical reading of the deep and inherent failings of orthodox judicial systems to come to the fore. Second, through advancing a range of persuasive arguments for anarchist criminologies to underpin new visions, and animate new ways-of-beings, in order to usher in new forms of social justice into the world. Crucially, these radical expressions of social justice, rooted as many are in intersectional resistance movements, and steeped in a politics of total liberation, are always in existence far removed from the twin tyrannies of capital and state. In short, this book makes a powerful and timely intervention into the existing literature, and deserves to be read widely.”―Richard J. White, Reader in Human Geography, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom

“The editors and authors in Contemporary Anarchist Criminology are unwavering in their fearlessness to throw bold punches at authority and convention. Where many may not understand, their approaches and position deserve careful consideration in these most uncertain times.”―David Stovall, Professor of African-American Studies and Educational Policy Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago

“A must-read book for those who know the criminal justice system is broken, and want a solution. The editors and contributors present an anarchist theory of criminology, sure to challenge the failings of the criminal justice system for decades to come.”―Amber E. George, Editor, Journal for Critical Animal Studies

“This valuable collection presents a strong critique of structures of oppression and injustice. It introduces important new perspectives that are vital for building a critical criminology and for creating much-needed radical transformation.”―John Sorenson, Professor, Department of Sociology, Brock University

“Finally, the first book on anarchist criminology!! What took so long. Now can we have prison abolition? A must read for anyone that cares about people.”―Editorial Board, Poetry Behind the Walls


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