

ymca stk  anthonynocellaworkshopjpgorganizer


Nocella as an educator has for the last 15 years provided more than 1,500 basic, advanced, and Training for Facilitators collaborative group-building workshops at youth centers, jails, prisons, detention facilities, schools, and college on topics such as negotiation, mediation, conflict transformation, peace in schools, life skills to youth, hip hop, transformative justice, professional development, diversity and inclusion, environmental education, and curriculum design.


Anthony Nocella provides three “Certificate Workshops” formats:

  1. Mini-Training– 3-4 hours
  2. Day-Long Training– 8 to 10 hours
  3. Weekend Training– Friday Night 6PM to 10PM (4 Hours), Saturday 9AM to 5PM (8hours), Sunday 9AM to 5PM (8hours)

Cost of workshops are all on a sliding scale and depend on what workshops format:

  1. Mini-Training– $50.00 to $500.00
  2. Daily-Long Training– $100.00 to $800.00
  3. Weekend Training– $200.00 to $2,000.00

The sponsoring group, organization, class, center, university, detention facility, prison, department, program, or school will provide the following:

  • Space (rooms and areas)
  • Food (lunch, dinner, breakfast, etc.)
  • Publicity (facebook event page, flyers, word of mouth, website, blog posts, website calendar, press release)
  • Co-sponsoring (we are very interested in always having our workshops sponsored by as many groups and departments as possible financially and/or non-financially)


Professional Development in Schools
Youth Empowerment
Conflict Transformation
  • Inclusion and Diversity 101
  • Inclusion and Diversity 201
  • Conflict Transformatiion in Schools
  • Building Peaceful Schools
  • Social Justice Curriculum Development
  • School to Prison Pipeline
  • From Special Ed to Disability Pedagogy
  • Urban Education and Social Justice Education One in the Same
  • Group-Building and Healing School Conflicts Among Staff and Teachers
  • Mediating Staff/Teacher/Administration Conflicts
  • Life Skills
  • Hip Hop Culture and Politics
  • Anger Management
  • Transforming Conflict
  • School to Prison Pipeline
  • Social Justice Youth Leadership
  • Youth Re-Entry from Detention
  • Environmental Education
  • Managing One’s Disabilities
  • Animal Advocacy
  • Mediation
  • Negotiation
  • Community Circles
  • Transformative Justice in Action
  • Analyzing Conflict
  • Transforming Conflict