Editorial Reviews
An important and timely collection of essays that help expand our understanding of the ELF, specifically, and nonhuman liberation, more generally. The essays avoid some of the more common knee-jerk reactions and engage the issues in thoughtful, critical, and intellectually stimulating ways. This collection will no doubt spark important discussion and debate!
– Dr. Jason Del Gandio, author of Rhetoric for Radicals: A Handbook for 21st Century Activists
The editors successfully bring together an amazing collection of pivotal essays from academic journals on the subject of direct action and environmentalism. The book effectively argues and supports a call to arms against the ecological destruction of the status-quo, motivating the reader to realize there’s always more work that needs to be done.
– Dr. Joe Leeson-Schatz, Director of Speech & Debate at Binghamton University
For those interested in the history of radical and revolutionary organizations whose strategies and tactics involve both violent and non-violent action, this book is indispensable. While readers may not agree with the arguments put forward in this book, there is too much at stake for them to remain ignored. It’s time to share this planet together not blow it up. Read this book.
– Dr. Peter McLaren, Distinguished Professor in Critical Studies, College of Educational Studies, Chapman University
It is good to finally have in one edited volume the contributions of leading scholars and activists who not only clearly articulate the perspectives and actions of the Earth Liberation Front, but also validate them as legitimate approaches to environmental degradation, exploitation, and oppression.
– Dr. Scott Hurley, Associate Professor of Religion, Luther College
The Collection is theoretically intriguing and practically applicable to contemporary social movements and political dynamics. The range of contributions provide a broad yet highly informative set of writings that, in their diversity, give the reader an in-depth sense of the many important and timely facets of the Earth Liberation Front.
– Dr. Lauren Eastwood, Associate Professor and Chair of Sociology, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
A thought-provoking collection that brings together classical and contemporary perspectives of the Earth Liberation Front from a variety of academic disciplines. These writings provide important context to those who want to better understand the ELF movement.
– Dr. Becky Clausen, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology, Fort Lewis College
A Historical Scholarly Collection of Writings on the Earth Liberation Front is one of the most important and powerful texts to be published about the Earth liberation movement. If you are concerned about social justice, environmental justice, animal liberation, and anarchism then this scholarly text of classic writings on the ELF is a must read. You will not be disappointed.
– Madelynne Kinoshita, Social Media Coordinator, Save the Kids
A Historical Scholarly Collection of Writings on the Earth Liberation Front is powerful anthology that must be read by anyone willing to defend the Earth against capitalism and corporate destruction of this planet. This book not only motivates the reader, but defends them if they want to act in a revolutionary way beyond the mere environmentally friendly recycling and going vegan.
– Poetry Behind the Walls
A Historical Scholarly Collection of Writings on the Earth Liberation Front is an outstanding book speaking about a group that goes beyond nonprofits and fancy banners over the White House to do what is needed and must be done to defend the planet against those that want to profit off of it. Read this book and Ignite a Revolution.
– Chris Mendoza, Durango Food Not Bombs
The Earth Liberation Front remains one of the most important social movements in all of human (and more-than-just-human) history. It is also one of the most misunderstood and maligned social change agents of our time. This collection of writings provides a crucial scholarly foundation for understanding this movement’s history, significance, implications, and future possibilities. The Elves are alive and kicking, and making much mischief on every page of this invaluable book!
– Dr. David Pellow, Endowed Chair, Dehlsen Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
The sheer breadth of this work might be enough to recommend consideration. The extraordinary depth of its treatment demands attention. Of particular relevance are the multiple entry points into this monumental movement. Irrespective of one’s political or ecological perspective, these sometimes profound explorations of and engagements with ELF allow readers to form their own opinions, to experience some of the thinking that helped shape a movement.
– William Shanahan, Curry College
About the Author
Anthony J. Nocella II, Ph.D., a long-time anarchist activist, is Assistant Professor of Sociology, Criminology, Peace and Conflict Studies, and Gender and Women’s Studies at Fort Lewis College. He has published over fifty scholarly articles and book chapters.
Sean Parson, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Northern Arizona University. He is the author of Cooking up a revolution: Food Not Bombs, Homes Not Jails, and resistance to gentrification, and co-editor of Superheroes and Critical Animal Studies: Heroic Beasts of Total Liberation.
Amber E. George, Ph.D. Binghamton University, is an Instructor of Philosophy at Misericordia University. She is the editor of Journal of Critical Animal Studies, and co-editor of Screening the Nonhuman: Representations of Animal Others in the Media and The Intersectionality of Critical Animal, Disability, and Environmental Studies.
Stephanie Eccles is an activist-scholar currently based in Montreal, Quebec. She is currently working towards her MSs at Concordia University in critical animal geographies. Her research focuses on the lives of undesired nonhuman-animals in urban spaces.
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