“I am grateful for the contributing writers in Why? America Why? for their inspiring reminder for all of us to continue to work for justice through the abolishment of the prison industrial complex.” —Dr. John Lupinacci, Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education, Washington State University
“Poetry Behind the Walls is marvelous collection: once read, never forgotten! Within a few pages – within a few lines on a page – the poems tear down walls of separation and segregation, and pull you into rich landscapes animated by youthful sadness, regret, optimism, hopes and dreams. When this book is set down, so is a challenge. How can we help ensure these ugly walls of incarceration can never be rebuilt, not least by seeing, thinking, understanding and relating to our youth in ways that we’ve never been encouraged or thought possible before?” —Dr. Richard. J. White, Reader in Human Geography, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
“This book is one of the most outstanding contributions to dismantling the school to prison pipeline.” — Dr. Amber E. George, Editor, Journal for Critical Animal Studies
“Why? America Why? tells the truth of how the juvenile system affects youth. Read share and learn.” —Dr. Erik m. Juergensmeyer, Editor of Green Theory and Praxis Journal
“Why? America Why? is one of the best books that has come out in years within the field of criminology and criminal justice. This should be a required reading for every juvenile justice course in America. We must hear from youth in the system rather than academics that have not experience it.” —Transformative Justice Journal
“Why? America Why? is an outstanding, powerful, and liberatory ready for all. This is a book that should be shelved in every middle and high school in the world. These voices are our future and we must know how we are treating them when the make mistakes in a world we created that does not favor them.” —Academy for Peace Education
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