Vegans on Speciesism and Ableism: Ecoability Voices for Disability and Animal Justice

Vegans on Speciesism and Ableism: Ecoability Voices for Disability and Animal Justice by Anthony J. Nocella II and Amber E. George _________________________________________ This powerful intersectional social justice book examines animal, disability, and environmental oppression and justice. Located in disability studies, sociology, environmental justice, food justice, and critical animal studies, this book engages the reader in… Read more »

The End of Prisons: Reflections from the Decarceration Movement

The End of Prisons: Reflections from the Decarceration  Movement Mechthild Nagel and Anthony J. Nocella II ______ This book brings together a collection of social justice scholars and activists who take Foucault’s concept of discipline and punishment to explain how prisons are constructed in society from nursing homes to zoos. This book expands the concept… Read more »

Earth, Animal, and Disability Liberation: The Rise of the Eco-Ability Movement

This provocative and groundbreaking book is the first of its kind to propose the concept of Eco-ability: the intersectionality of the ecological world, persons with disabilities, and nonhuman animals. Rooted in disability studies and rights, environmentalism, and animal advocacy, this book calls for a social justice theory and movement that dismantles constructed “normalcy,” ableism, speciesism,… Read more »